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Lieutenant Colonel Goodman Manyanya Phiri in full verbal swing against "Mandelasque-Xhosa" Tribalism in South Africa's Security Services where people linked to Mandela by regional birth are promoted with that as the only criterion with the rest of South Africans treated as second-class citizens. Phiri is particularly incensed with the fact that Mandela through autobiographical 'Long Walk to Freedom' alongside false colonial history about South Africa,claims ["Mpondo, Tembu and many other historically non-Xhosa, (albeit Xhosa-speaking Africansof the Eastern Cape) are by both Mandela's account and by virtue of being forced by the previous settler-colonialism to speak somebody else's languange, 'THEREFORE willy-nilly ethnically Xhosa or Zulu even from the blatantly false 16th century just because those were the languages rammed down the throats of other non-Zulu and non-Xhosa Africans like Mandela's Tembu and Phiri's Swazis from the Year 1910"] Phiri believes that this acceptance by Mandela of the ethnic engineering done by European colonialists in South Africa is the source of both the current ongoing tribalisms and ongoing remnants of white racisms in government, (and particularly in the Security Services like the SANDF), in the ruling ANC and even in other political parties Even current shabby or total non-delivery of services (along-side some R5 billion-per-year corruption in South Africa) is fathered by this self-same Mandelasque tribalism BECAUSE incompetents are appointed to high positions in government for no reason whatsoever except "ethnic proximity to The President". |
Asante sana Bwana Goodman! Nashukuru sana kwa kunikumbuka na vilevile kukumbuka siku yangu ya kuzaliwa. Mungu akubariki sana. Wasalimie wote. Bye! From <+2557xxxxxxxxx> at 07:59 AM 2010/12/06
(a text message from Mr Thomas Mpili, a.k.a. Thomas Phiri or Thomas Moses, Blogger’s paternal first cousin and once-exile-protector from Mandelasque-Thembu-tribalism in the camps and residences for South African freedom fighters in Tanzania. Mr Thomas Phiri was turning 49 yesterday, hence his message which is in Africa’s most spoken black language, Kiswahili)
1. Too oftentimes my family-T makes a T-junction with my anti-tribalism fight against Nelson Mandela’s Thembu Tribe. The 25-year old war raging not only on a vast theatre stretching from Tanzania to South Africa, but also hatching into the world-wide web (WWW), is to date filled to capacity with spent cartridges, bent rifles all half-submerged if not totally soiled and rusted together with hordes of unerupted ordnance personified by the likes of Staff-Sergeant Mabel Mbatha featuring in a previous post. I do not take pride in this litter because, as Mrs Mbatha bears me out, I have never ever really had traditional weapons to fight this war with: mine were human weapons. Half of them were my friends and comrades of the struggle, and still are. The other half were my relatives, the Family Tree to whom this post is dedicated. And if you are one of them reading this post, let me in advance nudge you: I know that some of the things I may be saying about you or your relatives here are pretty nasty albeit truthful. Please understand that I am at war here and the truth, rather than niceness, is my principal concern. I can happily lose all my relatives, friends and comrades to the gilded side of Nelson Mandela’s nieau-colonialist war machine complete-with-African-blood-diamonds-illegally-exchanged-at-the-parties-of-the-elderly-political-comprador-for-Britain-where-he-will-dine-and-wine-with-kindred-spirit-like-Charles-Taylor-from-up-north, but I will defend with my life every scintilla of truth where I can.
2. To my relatives who have remained steadfast in supporting me in what little way they could out of the nobleness of my 25-year-old anti-Thembu-tribalism cause as in their own rights as sons and daughters of Africa with long legacies of heroism against all forms of British colonialism in Africa, I say: “I will never forget you and this writing is part of my effort to etch your names on the parchment of eternity”.
3. As for my relatives who have seen in me a leper for standing against their demigod, Thembu-tribalistic-Nelson Mandela; relatives who have taken advantages of my poverty to scoff at me, to walk behind my back and badmouth me with Africa’s nieau-colonialist-agents where you could even destroy my father’s homestead in the Mayflower Mpumalanga Province of South Africa thereby causing my under-age sisters and nieces to be impregnated by care-free strangers without you lifting a finger where you could, I have a shorter message for you: I LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU. You are destined to be the human milestones on the path I have always espoused for the truth.
4. The focus on my Family Tree also succeeds to give my beloved President Zuma a relative break (and many thanks in advance for the leadership changes Your Excellency are imminently going to be effecting on our SANDF organization) but the language to be found on this post is a bit more blasé and relaxed than you would ordinarily find in a presidential missive: apologies in advance!
5. The second and last warning in advance goes to those of my readership who are not South Africa's rulers: you will your read making you week in the knees if you are either a family member or you have more than a fair share in powers of empathy (some people do, which, by the way, is the reason why best-sellers sell.)
6. While still at it, allow me to ask: is there any speed reader out there who will whoosh through my entire post at one sitting? Spelling and grammatical faults notwithstanding?
7. Please let me know via text message at least (+27833087713). I need that information so as to credibly fancy my chances of going into bestseller production when and if Lindiwe Sisulu succeeds in kicking me out of her army. It is not like I am giving her a snowball chance in hell: it’s just like being realistic. I mean, even though the incoming breed of SANDF generalissimo President Zuma is busy bringing in may use their intimate knowledge of the Phiri case to impress it upon often-under-informed Lindiwe Sisulu to go hands-off on Phiri, no good military officer plans his campaign on a best-case scenario!
8. Be that as it may, we’re assembled on this post today to discuss mainly Goodman Manyanya Phiri’s Family Tree which subject cannot be understood if definitions like “first cousin” (the child of your father's/mother’s brother or sister), “second cousin” (the child of your mother's/father’s first cousin), “great uncle” (grandfather/grandmother’s male sibling), etc are still not yet understood. I must confess, it took me 43 years of my lifetime to understand those terms and I think it is prudent of me not to overestimate my readership’s English although I will not be stupid enough to fly the fact in their face and still hope they will revisit my blog any time sooner thereafter. I am dying to pamper my readership even when they're feeding their eyes on a drab topic like Family Ties!
9. If as Reader ploughing through these lines you discover yourself as, like Blogger, one of those late bloomers in the art of pursuing blood links the way a punctilious Englishman would do, or Englishwoman for that matter, please look at the other definitions adumbrated hereunder in our mutual effort at sending more nutritional stuff up the xylem vessels of the Phiri Family Tree if not up the dendrical connections in the tree-like brain on every human's shoulders.
10. For the purpose of this post, and till back to Adam and Eve if need be, a “-/parent” is an ancestor/ancestress whether parent, grandparent, great-grandparent etc.
11. For the purpose of this post, anybody with whom you can successfully trace back to a common parent/ancestor is your cousin. You can in that sense call your brother or sister “my zero cousin”, and then you will have your siblings’ children calling your own children “first cousin” and then your sibling’s grandchildren will happily call your own grandchildren “second cousin” etc. Pretty much like math: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4th, 5th ....“ad infinitum cousin” with “ad(am) infinitum cousin” taking you suggestions of the first ancestor (not to forget his wife, Eve.) “Ad infinitum cousin” in this context could also mean “the last coupled homo sapiens to inhabit the universe” (Has any of these newer religions found a name for that last couple yet? I seriously propose “Adoom and Evaporate” for it is for me true that the Sun will end up incinerating its children!
12. How the cosmopolitan society defines the word “generation” is largely twofold.
13. Definition 1: If Blogger (call me Baby A) were born on Thursday 4 May 1961 and the following day (Friday the 5th) four more Babies (B, C, D, and E) were born, those neonates are per one definition all of them of Baby A’s generation because Baby A and they were not only born within 40 years of one another (which would still make them, I guess, same generation), but their collective births were within the same 48 hours! How cute, my example!
14. The definition above applies largely to people who are not related...or to be more precise particularly where scientifically all of us humans are in fact related... “the definition rather applies to people who have lost both count and nomenclature on just how they are related..
15. Ah! I know the latter feeling! I am currently struggling to piece together an ancient Mavimbela ancestor called “Maphungwane waseKwaluseni in Swaziland” togehter with another one called “Mnukwa”. I'm struggling because my maternal grandfather Swaziland-born William Mavimbela who was orphaned there only to cross the border for a raising by his uncle Khekhekhe Mavimbela... the William is supposed to be descending from these ancestors (Mnukwa & Maphungwane), unfortunately went 35 years ago to his grave at Oshoek Bordergate with that information. Or, as Blogger’s also heard from a little bird, an irresponsible uncle or aunt, or even my own mother for that matter (just not to be sanctimonious) found better use of what familial records my gregarious grandfather had kept for a lifetime. My mother in particular, had this extraordinary obsession which she pursued with unflappable religiosity if to always destroy all records, particularly photographic, of any relative who dies. Thus in 1982, out of a desire for a paternal breather from a maternal smother by the Family Tree, Blogger flew to Malawi to meet and take pictures of my paternal grandfather Jacob Phiri and if I had by then discovered my mother’s idiosyncrasy, I would have hidden all pictures in a vault or something before leaving the following year for exile, hoping so hard that Africa’s Unseen and All-powerful Qamatha/Umvelinqangi enabled me to reach exile and (and if for nothing else) for the pictures to come back alive (my journey to exile will tell you the story to South Africa I almost didn’t come back alive..not even arrive to to the Mozambican exile where God's Angel Jacob Zuma was in six months of 60 km awaiting me when I inadvertently crossed on foot an illegal-but-also-heavily-mined Namahasha (Lomahasha) border between Swaziland and Mozambique, all in search of my military organization, the PAC's military wing popularly known as the Azanian People's Liberation Army-APLA.
16. However, this should not be about my journey into exile, it at this juncture is to say that as I write here, the memory of my mother (Divine Qamatha, Mlenzemunye, Bhungane bless her soul) is becoming a true embodiment of irony. I mean: no close family member (who died before she) has any picture for us survivors to remember them by; and the only pictures we have today are (you guessed right) those looking like you know who and you know why.
17. I miss you know who and you know why's father, Mr William Mavimbela a lot even though I hated the latter when I at 10 and 11, practically on his leash and under his whip herded cattle and ploughed fields like an enthusiastic American slave where I had no enthusiasm whatsoever...he never smiled that Swaziman, even when he was reading his Bible, which he was wont to doing every Sunday because he was farmer-and-preacher in one entity so compact the Lothair timber log on a Golden-Johannesburg-bound goods train paled in comparison. The day I get his picture, I will gladly send it online for any competition that seeks the best candidate for “God as a black man”. Worrying no end about his whip hanging behind his head every time he drank his strong, richly-creamed tea in an oversized metallic coffee mug even when on his lips these paraphernalia were displaced by the word of God, I never bothered to listen to his scriptural renditions. For me God became a man with a chubby face and piercing eyes, pitch-black as confirmed by His lengthy praisename Thou, Mkholo, which art browned down to the very soles of thy feet, Mavimbela, Mkholo Lonsundvu Netinyawo Takhe, Mdlomane Wezindlovu, Ngubo YeNgonyana, Maqaqa awahlali ndawonye ngokunukelana, Makhol' amahle! Yet these days I miss him very dearly for every time I visit a senior distant relative I hear the comment: “you are so much like that Swazi grandfather of yours, he would lay down his life for his relatives if the need arose”.
18. I have a weakness for meandering on the borders of verbosity. Please give a feedback to my post if this irritates you; and I will, as someone who lives by example, dry up my pen with the same promptitude I’d like Lindiwe Sisulu’s largely ethnic-British and ethnic-Thembu generals and colonels to dry up their pens around junior soldiers’ wives!
19. Definition 2: The second definition of “generation” in practically any language will also return to the abovementioned five babies, with “Baby A” still being Phiri: remember I never want to come second best to anybody. Yet, allow me now into a theoretical history of me, Phiri, a.k.a. “Baby A.”
20. Baby A’s mother was Mother A; and that baby’s grandmother was Grandmother A, the daughter of Baby A’s Great-grandmother A etc. Mother A gave birth to male Baby A when she was only 12, ha! It seems like it is in the blood because not only had Grandmother A also given birth for the first time at 12, but even Great-grandmother A went through the same overhasty family way.
21. The result of this social malady, really a sexual abuse by any modern definition in the sixteen days of activism pro-women, was that when Baby A was born 4 May 1961 not only was Mother-A 12 years old, but both Grandmother A (aged 24) and Great-grandmother A (aged 36) were still alive and kissing when a third leg would be kicking! Best for our family tree, they were well still of child-bearing age!
22. Now, back to the original five babies (A, B, C, &D). If Baby B was my mother’s second-born child (or more precisely a twin-brother to me), he remained within my own generation per both “generation”’ Definitions 1 and 2: we are siblings, after all! Our children will call each other “Cousin” and, most noteworthy, they will remove no generation from that “cousinship” because Computer Blogger and him are the self-same generation, we are in the selfsame camp of “Apartheid”! Are you with me, Computer Logger? If not, you may find it helpful to draw some lines and dots in order to differentiate as you read through the concerned individual's arboreal branches and the attendant generational levels juxtaposed with them; no one ever said the picture you draw for yourself is bereft of the proverbial thousand words!
23. Baby C now becomes the child to the sister of my great grandmother. Oops! This guy, despite being born more or less the same time with me (if not younger by hours), is two levels “older” from my generation because he is my grandmother’s “zero cousin” or brother, to make it simpler! A and C’s children will call each other “Cousin” and they will do the apartheid of removing (two) generations from the “cousinship” because Baby A is two generations apart from Baby C. The trick is for the children to check how the appropriate generationally-more-senior of the two parties relates with the same-level cousinship to the parent, grandparent, great-grandparent etc to the generationally junior child; and it is that very level by which the two children qualify their cousinship minus the number of generations keeping the two children apart(-heid)... “you can take a South African black man out of Apartheid but you will never take the apartheid out of his head”... but in this case, the senior child is Baby C’s child, more senior to Phiri’s (Baby A’s) child. So C’s insolent child tells Blogger’s child: “Hey, look here Buddy, I don’t care about your ancient Phiri royalty for that is in the past now and we’re looking into the space age and not into the Pyramids your ancestral parents are supposed to have engineered... I don’t care you are 20 years older than I am for the reason that your direct ancestors were as precocious as they were coital; and I don’t care that even your Blogging father Phiri is 24 hours older than my father Siphecephecezane with so many clicks for the “C” sounds; but the point is I am on the same generational level as your grandmother who is my second cousin. And because your granny is the one who qualifies the cousinship fully by virtue of being in the same level as I, I therefore view you as a mere extension to my second cousin meaning just like she YOU TOO ARE MY SECOND COUSIN! Except I will remove two things from you because you are two generations “lower” than mine! AND I CAN SUMMON THE ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMILY TO REMOVE "AN EXTRA TWO THINGS" IF YOU CONTINUE WITH YOUR CHALLENGE TO MY AUTHORITY OVER YOU!
24. Black people my age in South Africa, please! I am not on Apartheid jargon once again here! Rather I am trying to build a family tree for my children when I’m dead! “Once removed, twice removed etc” is not about Johannesburg’s Kofifi or Sophiatown suburb where ANC Founder Pixley Seme’s Bertha-street home first got removed by the Apartheid Boers and later got removed from the memory of South Africa altogether by nobody else but a Nelson Mandela obsessed with a self-image whereas 1881-born Doctor Pixley ka-Isaka Seme is the one who supervised 1918-born Nelson Mandela into the very first chapters of Mandela’s legal profession.
25. Now we are at least trying to talk Law. As an explanation to Blogger’s fellow laity, it would seem to me from what little I understand, to be admitted as a practising attorney you need first to comply with certain contracts or “articles” from an Act of Parliament which compliance is undergone under the supervision of a well-established law firm or firms/organizations. This now is the supervisory role that Dr Pixley Seme played towards an erstwhile legal greenhorn who, in gratitude, at best says nothing about it in a Long Walk to his own Freedom to the economic exclusion of his fellow blacks who are not of his Thembu tribe and, at worst trashes the name of Seme as the man who "would have destroyed the ANC had it not been for Messiahs from the Eastern Cape" where he had come with a knob-kerrie for a security guard in Johannesburg's goldmines..
26. This act of thanklessness is understandable when you see Anglophilic Nelson Mandela recently aligning himself more with fresh “role models” like British arch-Colonist Cecil John Rhodes, a member of the very colonial British that the people of Seme, the Zulus fought and at one stage militarily and ignobly defeated at the Battle of Isandlwana despite a combination of superior weapons and Mandela's Thembu-tribe-surrogate support for the invading British forces..
27. Indeed, if Mandela is on record as having been “articled” by a firm other than that of Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme or the likes of Seme’s associate lawyers like Mangena, Msimang or Montshioa, let Mandela tell is so to his ever-ready audience The World so and further explain what did, if anything, sour his initial “articling” by Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme? Seme’s daughter, Helen is as of this moment still alive and kicking, her flawless cadence vivid with the memory of a Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela in his late twenties or early thirties “coming frequently to do his law articles in my father’s downstairs-office along Johannesburg's Commissioner Street where Mandela would write often for hours without once seeing me who was on the upper floor observing his legal lucubrations with curiosity”.
28. Fate has a nasty twist. Thirty-year-old Nelson Mandela never noticed the teenager who was watching him, and never even knew such a teenager existed because Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme (unlike too many subsequent leaders of the ANC from 1960 to date) never before his comrades in struggle paraded his children (Mr Quinton-by-Maxiniwe-of-Port-Elizabeth, His-Royal-Highness-Zwangendaba-by-Swazi-Princess-Lozinja-Dlamini-of-Swaziland, Mr Dumakude-by-LaSibeko-in-Daggakraal-Mpumalanga, and Their-Royal-Highnesses: Silosentaba-, Pilidi- and Helen-by-Zulu-Princess-Phikisile-kaDinuZulu-kaCetshwayo) for a recognition riding on the backs of their prominent parents post-mortem as we see the Mandela/Matanzima cousins Bobelo-Zini destined to do even by breaking South Africa’s laws of the SANDF with the assistance of Mandela’s friend’s daughter: Lindiwe Nonceba Sisulu, the new boss of South Africa’s Department of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs.
29. So fate catches up with a Smart-Alec Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela who has already trashed Seme in his Long-Walk-to-Freedom-book when the former is no more a 30-year-old, but rather, a wilier 81-year-old on an otherwise beautiful KwaZulu-Natal’s Nongoma Saturday (12th June 1999) presaging his end of terms as both ANC President and President of the Republic of South Africa. The motorcade of Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini approaches and Master-in-showmanship Mandela emerges out of his own motorcade to kowtow and worship His Majesty in preparation for their 1-hour meeting., but the King stalls the meeting on the basis that “it would be unethical to continue with the meeting with you, ANC’s President, without inviting to be with us the only surviving child of ANC founder, Her Royal Highness Helen Damba born Seme” (an offspring that Mandela either never knew existed, or never knew is still alive as he was getting ghost-writer after ghost-writer to present the ANC as his own architecture down the years of the freedom struggle).
30. It would seem like Nelson Mandela was completely perplexed indeed that such an old (1881-born) man Seme who has long died (7 June 1951) still has a surviving child in 1999!
31. Nonetheless, a King’s wishes are any commoner’s command and a vehicle was dispatched first to fetch HRH Helen Damba to attend the meeting; and this is where Mandela, probably to the amusement of His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini Zulu with blood links to Damba, repeatedly quizzed Her Royal Highness Damba-Seme:
“Are you really the daughter of ANC Fsounder Pixley ka-Isaka Seme? Are you really...really...really the daughter of Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme?”
32. The long and short of that episode, Dear Logger, should greet you on a next post: the full interview I had with Damba-Seme.
33. Suffice it to say Blogger is thankful to the ANC leadership under Party President Zuma; thankful to the South African Communist Party as well as the Congress of South African Trade Unions; also thankful for what support (if any), Their Excellencies Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Tanzania's Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete (co-recipients of my grievance letter to Zuma on Mandela’s Thembu tribalism against me for the past 25 years inclusive of the false charges meted out due to my blowing of the whistle over corruption by Mandela/Matanzima’s cousin, SANDF Brigadier General Winnie Ntombizodwa Bobelo-Zini) might be lending to a probably overstretched Zuma, mentally.
34. In that vein, I am also thankful to the provincial leadership of the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal and its Provincial Alliance partners for mooting the days 26 or 27 January 2011 to begin in earnest giving recognition to Pixley Seme, by means of dedicating a day to his wife, Zulu King DinuZulu’s first-born child, Princess Phikisile Zulu. Blogger is saying: “Africa’s entire hopes lie with Your Excellency, Nxamalala, even though, of course, you might get killed by foreign agents from colonial Europe for standing for what is right. Your memory, dead or alive, will stay for eternity in the psyche of Africa and the entire progressive world for having resuscitated the legacy of the unsung hero and unchallenged founder of Africa’s oldest liberation movement, the African National Congress/ANC of Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme's South Africa!
35. Bathong! Good people! I am not trying to politic! I am, mind you, still a politically-disinterested soldier! All I am trying to do on this post is to sketch my family tree if I can, albeit not exhaustively!
36. In any case, in Example-1 of the four babies (or were they five?) I gave above, there are just no “removals” worth any recording or mentioning because when one generation here orders another like the white Africans called Boers put it “trek-Ferreira-we-need-your-piece-of-land for our own generation and not yours” nobody raises an eyebrow nor bothers to record the genocide for the attention of the United Nations because the two peoples at war are not related, have no national ens nor a cord tying them together... (By the way, the reason why Apartheid South Africa’s forced removals achieved recorded notoriety is not due to the famed Sophiatown and similar colour-blind human settlements from which they forcefully moved even homes of prominent ANC leaders Seme and Xuma, the real reason is because the perpetrator Boers, unlike South Africa’s ethnic British folk who in so many respects still have one leg in Britain, had for 46 years gone on with the Verwoerdian colour-bar madness despite scientific proof that each Boer individual could well be carrying at least 67% of geners African rather than European! Small wonder so many Boers, unlike the British settlers, were fighting (albeit secretly) the same apartheid we blacks were fighting and it is just a shame that the “magnanimity” shown in 1994 extended to all whites as if these guys have one mother and one father, one of South Africa’s mandelocratic asininities! If blacks can discriminate against each other by Mandelasque and Mbekiite tribalisms in government employ as Thembu or non-Thembu, what logic informs a certain politician to think that white people are a monolithic block by virtue of self-same colour?
37. There I go again! Astray!
38. However, depending of course on the true origin of Man, How I wish we could all of us trace ourselves by name back to colour-blind Adam, back to the first sloth, or back to the first extra-terrestrial to father our troubled species! (or to “mother” for that matter, just in case we wake up one day to discover that God’s private parts are not the penis that we had always subsumed by calling It “Father”).
39. Away with the imponderables now, and let’s go straight to the second definition of the word “generation”.
39. Away with the imponderables now, and let’s go straight to the second definition of the word “generation”.
40. This thing of my mother’s, grandmother’s, great grandmother’s etc first cousins being also my own first cousins I want to call it “extensionism”. But this generational “extensionalism” is not a peculiarity to the English. I know for a fact that my Swazi-speaking maternal grandmother is called “gogo” and it would seem like all those stemming from her siblings are also my gogos. For example, I call all children of my grandmother’s brother “gogo”... a word strictly meaning “grandmother”...whether those children be male or female. Princess Sibongile Nkosi of Msogwaba Nelspruit in South Africa, my mother’s maternal first cousin who is not only two years my junior in age but we around 1964 (when I was three) played so much House together that I can recall definitely confirming with her by my hand (while we lay on a reeds mat under the blanket in Amsterdam: that girls indeed will never in their lifetimes grow penises) is today particularly Spartan on her demands with her “grandsonly/mtukulu” Blogger I call her “gogo”. My! My! My!
41. By the same extensionalism, whereas the in-law who married my sister I will (if I have my Swazi language... Siswati...correct) call my “mlamu” , my daughter, too, (be it Tamara or Thoko or even their brother Maziri) will refer to that brother-in-law of mine as “mlamu” or as the Afrikaansization to “Swaer”/Sibali= “brother-in-law”! And now those beaus of Xhosa, Tswana or similar stock who have got an eye for the beautiful Swazi maidens, please do not get pleasantly bewildered to find your brother-in-law’s adolescent daughter calling you Sibali and maybe think you can now get fresh on her just because she is the one who first “tried to seduce" you! It is just how the Swazi culture seems to approach matters of respect with respect to family relations!
42. On a more finer detail into the “extensionalism” the traditional Tswana does demand that if I have a younger brother whose son is 30, that thirty-year-old dare not address my 10-year-old son anything less than “Elder Brother”...Rremogolo ... because the father of Rremogolo is also a rremogolo to the father of the 30-year-old!
43. Now if followers of my blog had always wondered why a most difficult language like English rules the world today, hereinabove you’ve found the answer. Difficult though English is in terms of grammar and syntax, the Language of the Queen does simplify a hell of a lot in terms of concepts defining human relations. I mean (and that is as far as we black South Africans understand British culture), if my father is younger to my uncle, why should I care a hoot about my decorum towards my uncle’s male neonate? All I do as a South African black more Anglophilic than self-confessed Nelson Mandela is to call Neonate “First Cousin”, and if my father is the one who is Neonate’s First Cousin, I simply call Neonate “First Cousin once removed” and I expect Neonate to similarly call me back “First Cousin once removed” (preferably as the first words he babble in his infancy) and there is nothing like extending seniority of our ancestors on us!
44. As a caveat in my heart of hearts, I doubt if British citizens have the devil-may-care-attitude towards their relatives to match ours as blacks in South Africa with a higher western education. I read for a fact that the American chapter of British culture places so much value on relation that too many argue if Barack Obama, an ethnic Kenyan, was not maternally the 8th cousin of the powerful ethnic-British Bush family, he would not be President of the United States of America today! This is America, the supposed "world capital of family-unfriedliness totally divorced from the African-type obsession with extended family"!
45. Yet come to our beloved mandelocratic South Africa and you find tribe and region of birth coming before family ties.
46. I mean, if Nelson Mandela valued his family relations to the extent of realizing that by virtue of marrying off one of his daughters to Blogger’s fourth Cousin Swazi Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini, Mandela’s grandchildren would have blood links to ethnic-Malawian Phiri far more stronger than Mandela might be having with his favourite cousin Mr Themba Templeton Matanzima (to say nothing of Mandela-cousin Bobelo Zini of passing-military-classes-by-sex-corruption). Yet Mr Mandela and his ex-wife (selectively-outspoken Winnie Madikizela-Mandela who, in her Soweto home in around 2004, was delivered Blogger’s grievances over how the likes of Mosiuoa Lekota and Lindiwe Sisulu are mishandling the National Defence Force by applying the tribalism pro-South Africa’s demigod Mandela’s Thembu) yet Mandela and his ex-wife spurn their grandchildren’s fourth cousinship-once-removed with Blogger in order to favour fellow-Thembu and corruptly promoted Bobelo-Zini clearly because this fits in nicely with their masters in London of dividing and ruling the African Continent along xenophobic lines for Africans coming from beyond the Limpopo River!
43. Now if followers of my blog had always wondered why a most difficult language like English rules the world today, hereinabove you’ve found the answer. Difficult though English is in terms of grammar and syntax, the Language of the Queen does simplify a hell of a lot in terms of concepts defining human relations. I mean (and that is as far as we black South Africans understand British culture), if my father is younger to my uncle, why should I care a hoot about my decorum towards my uncle’s male neonate? All I do as a South African black more Anglophilic than self-confessed Nelson Mandela is to call Neonate “First Cousin”, and if my father is the one who is Neonate’s First Cousin, I simply call Neonate “First Cousin once removed” and I expect Neonate to similarly call me back “First Cousin once removed” (preferably as the first words he babble in his infancy) and there is nothing like extending seniority of our ancestors on us!
44. As a caveat in my heart of hearts, I doubt if British citizens have the devil-may-care-attitude towards their relatives to match ours as blacks in South Africa with a higher western education. I read for a fact that the American chapter of British culture places so much value on relation that too many argue if Barack Obama, an ethnic Kenyan, was not maternally the 8th cousin of the powerful ethnic-British Bush family, he would not be President of the United States of America today! This is America, the supposed "world capital of family-unfriedliness totally divorced from the African-type obsession with extended family"!
45. Yet come to our beloved mandelocratic South Africa and you find tribe and region of birth coming before family ties.
46. I mean, if Nelson Mandela valued his family relations to the extent of realizing that by virtue of marrying off one of his daughters to Blogger’s fourth Cousin Swazi Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini, Mandela’s grandchildren would have blood links to ethnic-Malawian Phiri far more stronger than Mandela might be having with his favourite cousin Mr Themba Templeton Matanzima (to say nothing of Mandela-cousin Bobelo Zini of passing-military-classes-by-sex-corruption). Yet Mr Mandela and his ex-wife (selectively-outspoken Winnie Madikizela-Mandela who, in her Soweto home in around 2004, was delivered Blogger’s grievances over how the likes of Mosiuoa Lekota and Lindiwe Sisulu are mishandling the National Defence Force by applying the tribalism pro-South Africa’s demigod Mandela’s Thembu) yet Mandela and his ex-wife spurn their grandchildren’s fourth cousinship-once-removed with Blogger in order to favour fellow-Thembu and corruptly promoted Bobelo-Zini clearly because this fits in nicely with their masters in London of dividing and ruling the African Continent along xenophobic lines for Africans coming from beyond the Limpopo River!
47. How I consanguineously relate to ALL the Phiri Clan
48. To say I am an authority on the Phiri Clan or even Nation would be an overstatement. But I am pretty clear about my particular branch of this ancient royal family or dynasty. Maybe as a reference to our supposedly uniquely-shaped noses, we are:
E! Matanje!”
49. If you so prefer you could also say:
“Matanje wa-Mphuno nga-ndunyungu”
50. Now, this is a Tumbuka-language rendition of a praise-name that originated in Natal several centuries if not millennia, before the whitemans’ arrival. In those days, the Matanje Phiri kingdom was one of the amalgamations of Phiri kingdoms that at best stretched from Cape to Cairo and at worst, ruled the entire Zambezi basin/ or the entire Southern Africa. I got my first glimpse into my grand royal past, like all other civilized young men do in the world, from my father. I use “civilized” most deliberately because if you stand in front of any Grade-6 class today in South Africa as I often do to motivate them at the beginning of every year and then ask each one of them what their praisenames, clan history etc are, you will be impressed how much they know these things. Now graduate to Grade 12 and then get your amazement as to how much they have forgotten about a history that at this stage even matters more to them. By the time you go stand in front of a group of Wits University or any other university in South Africa, you will be lucky if that group of pitch-black students (with a smattering of whites and Coloureds) do not eject you from their lecture room for asking them about “backward concepts”. They will tell you “It is enough that I am an African and I do not want to know any deeper about my Africanness because that smacks of tribalism”, yet when they go out of that class, believe it or not, the majority of them are most likely going to back-stab one another along South Africa’s extant tribal lines like their well-positioned parents are doing in, for example, Lindiwe Sisulu’s Department of Defence! They will backbite the few white students as if the white students by virtue of being white are not Africans. The so-called Coloured students, whose African identity (per current nieu-colonial propaganda) stems from a mythical prototype snow-white European male ancestor who, because of an alleged intermarriage with a mythical prototype pitch-black female African ancestor caused him or her to have been supposed to have a middle-brown colour making him a more special person than a “true white student” or the “true-black student”. It is confusing to be a so-called Coloured in South Africa (Coloured people are in fact fully-fledged Africans belonging to a sub-group whose sister sub-group are the diminutive so-called “Bushmen”. Colouredness is more confusing than it was under Apartheid because 16 years after our democracy, there is no hope in sight that the stupid official forms that you come across everyday will disappear and never to ask you again are you 1. African or 2. White or 3. Coloured or 4. Indian as if the “white”, “coloured” and “Indian” born in Africa in not an African!
51. The confusion gets even worse because, British Colonial propaganda about the origins of native South Africans is now as official on all national main-stream media as its sister-propaganda that “Nelson Mandela, rather than Pixley Seme, is the founder of the ANC”! (If you think I am joking that a man who was not yet born when the ANC was founded is regarded as its founder because of mass-media propaganda, why don’t you discover this on your own by asking that South African student that you know to tell you be it over the phone or face-to-face “just who the hell was the man who founded the ANC some 100 years ago with the financial support of Swazi Queen Mother Labotsibeni also known as Gwamile Mdluli?”)
52. There is now even a brand-new propaganda accepted by our new political dispensation as “fact” about original South Africans, the same propaganda that back in 1976, Blogger and many students some of them dead now to bring about our current freedom. And this mainstream nieu-colonial British propaganda on national TVs, Radios etc in a mandelocratic South Africa pontificates: “WHEN THE SAN PEOPLE, OF WHICH BUSHMEN AND COLOURED PEOPLE ARE PART, FIRST ROAMED SOUTH AFRICA, THE DARKER-SKINNED AFRICANS LIKE ETHNIC-MALAWIAN GOODMAN MANYANYA PHIRI AND ETHNIC SWAZI TSIETSIE MASHININI WERE STILL LOCKED SOMEWHERE IN TIMBUKTU. EVEN ZIMBABWE, BOTSWANA, NAMIBIA AND MOZAMBIQUE WERE PLAIN BUSHMANLAND A THOUSAND OR MORE YEARS AGO”
53. Once again, if you read this in sheer disbelief because maybe you are in Europe, Asia, or the Americas or just outside South Africa USE YOUR COMPUTER TO CONTACT ANY SOUTH AFRICAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT AND YOU WILL GET ME VINDICATED.
50. Now, this is a Tumbuka-language rendition of a praise-name that originated in Natal several centuries if not millennia, before the whitemans’ arrival. In those days, the Matanje Phiri kingdom was one of the amalgamations of Phiri kingdoms that at best stretched from Cape to Cairo and at worst, ruled the entire Zambezi basin/ or the entire Southern Africa. I got my first glimpse into my grand royal past, like all other civilized young men do in the world, from my father. I use “civilized” most deliberately because if you stand in front of any Grade-6 class today in South Africa as I often do to motivate them at the beginning of every year and then ask each one of them what their praisenames, clan history etc are, you will be impressed how much they know these things. Now graduate to Grade 12 and then get your amazement as to how much they have forgotten about a history that at this stage even matters more to them. By the time you go stand in front of a group of Wits University or any other university in South Africa, you will be lucky if that group of pitch-black students (with a smattering of whites and Coloureds) do not eject you from their lecture room for asking them about “backward concepts”. They will tell you “It is enough that I am an African and I do not want to know any deeper about my Africanness because that smacks of tribalism”, yet when they go out of that class, believe it or not, the majority of them are most likely going to back-stab one another along South Africa’s extant tribal lines like their well-positioned parents are doing in, for example, Lindiwe Sisulu’s Department of Defence! They will backbite the few white students as if the white students by virtue of being white are not Africans. The so-called Coloured students, whose African identity (per current nieu-colonial propaganda) stems from a mythical prototype snow-white European male ancestor who, because of an alleged intermarriage with a mythical prototype pitch-black female African ancestor caused him or her to have been supposed to have a middle-brown colour making him a more special person than a “true white student” or the “true-black student”. It is confusing to be a so-called Coloured in South Africa (Coloured people are in fact fully-fledged Africans belonging to a sub-group whose sister sub-group are the diminutive so-called “Bushmen”. Colouredness is more confusing than it was under Apartheid because 16 years after our democracy, there is no hope in sight that the stupid official forms that you come across everyday will disappear and never to ask you again are you 1. African or 2. White or 3. Coloured or 4. Indian as if the “white”, “coloured” and “Indian” born in Africa in not an African!
51. The confusion gets even worse because, British Colonial propaganda about the origins of native South Africans is now as official on all national main-stream media as its sister-propaganda that “Nelson Mandela, rather than Pixley Seme, is the founder of the ANC”! (If you think I am joking that a man who was not yet born when the ANC was founded is regarded as its founder because of mass-media propaganda, why don’t you discover this on your own by asking that South African student that you know to tell you be it over the phone or face-to-face “just who the hell was the man who founded the ANC some 100 years ago with the financial support of Swazi Queen Mother Labotsibeni also known as Gwamile Mdluli?”)
52. There is now even a brand-new propaganda accepted by our new political dispensation as “fact” about original South Africans, the same propaganda that back in 1976, Blogger and many students some of them dead now to bring about our current freedom. And this mainstream nieu-colonial British propaganda on national TVs, Radios etc in a mandelocratic South Africa pontificates: “WHEN THE SAN PEOPLE, OF WHICH BUSHMEN AND COLOURED PEOPLE ARE PART, FIRST ROAMED SOUTH AFRICA, THE DARKER-SKINNED AFRICANS LIKE ETHNIC-MALAWIAN GOODMAN MANYANYA PHIRI AND ETHNIC SWAZI TSIETSIE MASHININI WERE STILL LOCKED SOMEWHERE IN TIMBUKTU. EVEN ZIMBABWE, BOTSWANA, NAMIBIA AND MOZAMBIQUE WERE PLAIN BUSHMANLAND A THOUSAND OR MORE YEARS AGO”
53. Once again, if you read this in sheer disbelief because maybe you are in Europe, Asia, or the Americas or just outside South Africa USE YOUR COMPUTER TO CONTACT ANY SOUTH AFRICAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT AND YOU WILL GET ME VINDICATED.
54. And from this ignorance of South Africa’s glorious past stems all the ills South Africa is currently grappled with.
55. vestiges of white racism where white colleagues of blacks like Eddie Drost (did) still assault blacks with impunity under a black mandelocratic dispensation, Mandela’s Thembu-tribe quasi-official tribalism in Lindiwe Sisulu’s Department of Defence,
56. Political intolerance, xenophobia, abuse of women and children, corruption and you name the rest because South Africa’s intelligentsia and the more educated of the populace supposedly the drivers of the progress that our beloved Jacob Zuma genuinely craves for his motherland have no pride whatsoever about being South African let alone being vestiges of a sense of patriotism.
UPDATE: Eddie Drost, the man who assaulted Phiri 07 March 2001 with impunity granted him by both Nguni Presidents Thabo Mbeki and now Jacob Zuma. Phiri is is supposed to be a non-Nguni in a black-racialized South Africa since 1994, with Eastern-Cape Africans, and now 2012 under Zuma, KwaZulu-Natal ones as well, all playing fools with non-Nguni South Africans at Zuma government work-place. To add salt to injury, after the physical assault on Phiri, Eddie Drost two days later preferred 11 false and very fictitious charges against Phiri, and to support a Drost who was in fact covering up for Mandela's workplace-self-fornicated-Cousin-for-Promotion, one Winnie Ntombizodwa Zini-Bobelo Jacob Zuma is unconstitutionally refusing Phiri state funds to defend himself in this case which has graduated to both the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court as by 2012. Zuma is unconstitutionally trying to attain a judgement by default in favour of Nguni racism in South Africa BECAUSE BEGGARED PHIRI CANNOT AS OF 2012 INSTRUCT ANY LAWYER TO DEFEND HIMSELF. Jacob Zuma and his henchmen at black racism seem to be so far succeeding as no lawyer has as yet given Phiri the way forward on how to force Zuma to pay for the fees of Civil Servant Phiri LIKE CIVIL SERVANT ZUMA WERE PAID FOR WHEN ZUMA WAS CHARGED FOR CORRUPTION ONLY TO BE SAVED BY THE MOST MYSTERIOUS SPY TAPES 57. Worse, the only people (so-maligned “Coloureds” and “Bushmen”) who are told “you two can rightfully kiss this southernmost part of African soil and say ‘this is mine’” are in the self-same forked tongue of the devilish neo-colonial white European masters in London (now joined by their white agents masquerading as South African ethnic-British white journalists, ethnic-British white lecturers, ethnic-British white judges etc. operating the system from within the Republic of South Africa hand-in-hand with Bantu intellectual house-slaves who co-pen the propaganda after a degree or two in some Cecil-Rhodes-Nelson-Mandela university somewhere in South Africa or Britain: |
58. “Coloured and Bushman! Don’t get overly excited now and think you will lay down the law for South Africa as the true native we have with our colonial scientists proved you to be over the Bantu! Look at your unAfrican hair for a start! It is because too many of your sisters were impregnated during rapes by British troops in the 19th century meaning you South Africa’s 2010 Coloured, Bushman, the Dutch and German descendants who wrongfully call themselves Afrikaners and the Bantu who came from north Africa are all, like us ethnic-British, mere settlers in South Africa!”
59. There is still hope for South Africa, though; because despite mass media accepting British neo-colonial propaganda as the Bible truth on ancient South Africa, there are books and websites galore debunking this stupid myth about the “San being original South Africans” and all other official idiocies. For South African young people black or white, reading my blog, I insist your first point of call is your parents or other people with knowledge about your ethnic group and their history and links with South Africa. Albeit in a heated fight, I followed the same path with my father and I was believe you me richly rewarded. But even before I consider sharing with you what happened on that occasion between me and my old man, let me richly share with you what a brave ethnic European woman, Brenda Sullivan, shared with me on the issue of who, exactly is the “original South African”. Sullivan is the pen behind a literary work Published by Covos Day Books, 2001. Oak Tree House, P.O. Box 6996, Weltevredenpark 1715, South Africa. The book is called “Africa Through the Mists of Time” and I’m told on any good day without any mist for the global network of computers, you can through Google download a free copy of the book of the book by first scanning through this click
59. There is still hope for South Africa, though; because despite mass media accepting British neo-colonial propaganda as the Bible truth on ancient South Africa, there are books and websites galore debunking this stupid myth about the “San being original South Africans” and all other official idiocies. For South African young people black or white, reading my blog, I insist your first point of call is your parents or other people with knowledge about your ethnic group and their history and links with South Africa. Albeit in a heated fight, I followed the same path with my father and I was believe you me richly rewarded. But even before I consider sharing with you what happened on that occasion between me and my old man, let me richly share with you what a brave ethnic European woman, Brenda Sullivan, shared with me on the issue of who, exactly is the “original South African”. Sullivan is the pen behind a literary work Published by Covos Day Books, 2001. Oak Tree House, P.O. Box 6996, Weltevredenpark 1715, South Africa. The book is called “Africa Through the Mists of Time” and I’m told on any good day without any mist for the global network of computers, you can through Google download a free copy of the book of the book by first scanning through this click
60. Sullivan writes:
a. … To date the study of the rock engravings of southern Africa has been overshadowed by the overwhelming interest in the rock paintings. Respected European academics have even dismissed the more enigmatic engravings as the mindless doodles of Khoi herd boys, or San hunters. Yet the San, when questioned on the subject of the engravings, said they had no knowledge of the art, but that it was surely the work of the ancestors. And, because it was assumed that the ancestors referred to must also have been “Bushmen”, this reinforced the already established opinion that all the engravings were “Bushman art”. Thereafter, nobody ever took the trouble to look a little deeper into the matter, nor to question this assumption. And an assumption it certainly is, for the San practiced exogamy… marriage outside the immediate clan. Consequently, because of the fact that for millennia they wandered throughout most of southern Africa south of the Sahara, and that skeletons identified as “Bushman-like” have even been found in the Nile Valley dated to 12 000-14 000 BP, anyone from anywhere could have been their revered ancestors.
b. ….So where did this confusion start, this absolute conviction that all the rock art of South Africa, whether painting or engravings, was the work of the San? From all accounts it arose originally because everyone who was of importance in the world of letters or learning was convinced that, before the coming of the first settlers from Europe, only the San and Khoi were living in the regions where the art was discovered. This despite the fact that non-San osteological remains have been found at archaeological sites. So if not the San, then who were they? More to the point is why those established in the field of archaeology and anthropology have simply failed to follow up on all the evidence showing that, in pre-historic times, southern Africa was inhabited by peoples other than the San and Khoi. In some instances evidence… such as a skeleton, and papyrus… have simply disappeared. [Destroy the knowledge and wisdom of the enemy has ever been the pious duty of conquering heroes and prelates of all nationalities and sects. History records how the magnificent city of Carthage, the scourge of the Roman Empire, was totally destroyed by roman troops in the year 146 BCE. The library was a prime target. This library was believed to have contained about half a million rolls of papyrus manuscripts recording the scientific, esoteric, historical and maritime knowledge of the ancient Phoenician and Carthaginian trading empires. The only reason we today know of the terrible destruction of the libraries of Alexandria and Carthage (in pre-Arabized, but present-day Algeria), is because somebody recorded the event, and this information was preserved for the future. How many other records have been lost, and are today unknown, because the records of their destruction have also been destroyed? Nobody knows. It is not even possible to guess at what has been lost through the damage regularly inflicted on historical places by religious, social, political, or military upheavals through the ages. Only tantalizing, and often unrelated, fragments of past achievements remain. Some of these fragments are physical objects, such as pottery, ruins, jewellery, weapons, tomb treasures and inscriptions, laboriously excavated by archaeologists, or unexpectedly unearthed one way or another, by chance. Other knowledge is stored in the heart of folk tales and legends. Many an ancient city and many an answer to the purpose of a puzzling artefact, have been revealed by unravelling the threads of facts woven into half-remembered fables.] But the main contender for the role of misconception spreader, albeit unintentionally, must be the Bleek family. For our only knowledge of the southern San are due almost entirely to the work of Dr. W.H.I. Bleek, his daughter and sister-in-law.
c. ….what I find extraordinary is that, although everything recorded by the Bleeks is today regarded as the final word on the pre-colonial life and times of the San in general, not one academic has taken the mention of people of an earlier race seriously. It is as if any suggestion that other peoples were around before the San arrived is simply not to be entertained. This despite the physical evidence, such as the osteological remains which have been classified as “other than Bushmen”, and the results of archaeological investigations which have established without doubt that the San were indeed preceded by others, of whom very little is known.
62. ….Referring to a picture shown on Page xxvi of her work, the Sullivan expatiates:
a. “The engraved slab illustrated here is but one of a pile of similar broken slabs of engraved rock which I saw, dumped to one side of a desecrated engraving site, near Maanhaarrand [http://www.mapstudio.co.za/locationmap.php?loc=Maanhaarrand]. On enquiring of the owner of the farm I was told that, despite his protestations, one of the university professors had stripped the site of “anything of worth”, leaving behind virtually nothing but large boulders. And as he had been told that “nothing of worth” remained, the farmer ploughed out the remaining rocks, to uncover engraved slabs buried beneath some of the boulders. These, he said, had been broken during the excavation and, believing them also to be of no value, he dumped all the pieces on the perimeter of the ex-site. For all I know, they may be lying there still. Who engraved these slabs, and when? For what purpose were they inscribed, then so deliberately buried? Only to be thrown away as “rubbish” thanks to the ignorance of a respected academic hell-bent on amassing “Bushman rock art” to the exclusion of knowledge. So often has this kind of mindless stupidity happened in the past, that it is no wonder so many misconceptions about the pre-colonial history of South Africa abound.…At this point, after declaring “the Bushmen” rock engravers supreme, the collective academic mind stalled--- “don’t confuse us with facts, our mind is made up!”….The treasures of Africa are the treasures of information concealed in the legends, the social and cultural customs, and the art of the people. The past makes us what were are today. If we come out of ignorance, or are even indifferent about our heritage, then we are co-conspirators with those who cling tenaciously to misconceptions, which are often propounded as absolute truth, and jealously defended against all dissidents.”Incidentally, Brenda Sullivan has at least a paragraph on the role played in Natal by Blogger’s paternal royal ancestry of Matanje (Phiri) on the rise of Zulu King Shaka in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal to such an extent that current Blogger’s fascination is whether the Mathenjwa/Matsenjwa clan found both in South Africa and Swaziland could not by any chance be a bastardization of the “Matanje” and vice-versa
63. This is the continuing intense inquiry that Managing Director of Langalibalele Commuter Services and former freedom fighter, 22 September 2010 found Blogger engaging an about an elderly Matsenjwa lady in Mpumalanga only to exclaim, personal card at extension: “I am Nsi Radebe and though I love your conversation, I also know that this is the historical conversation intelligentsia in powerful positions well across the Continent will refuse to hold and please don’t ask me why because plainly I do not know!”
64. Thinking back three months down the line, I very much doubt if diplomatic Mr Radebe has indeed no clue. Rather, I think, he is being too charitable with his golden silence. After all, he comes from a culturally extremely rich heritage as a R/Hadebe whose pre-colonial history is renowned for cultural and religious robustness that the brainwasher British colonists of the 18th and 19th Centuries specifically targeted their ethnic group (AmaHlubi) with false and vexatious charges against their king (e.g. Langalibalele) and took visceral issue with the natives’ logical query: “If you teach that your god is a trinity, shouldn’t you agree that Radebe Bhungane is more superior than your god seeing that Bhungane our ancestor descended from heaven in legions rather than the mere threesome and trinity of your god?”
65. Furthermore, it is not just a matter of South Africa’s ethnic groups that Nelson Mandela’s tribe attacked from the time of the fatal poisoning of Youth League’s Zulu-speaking First President Lembede, but even when the banning of organizations occurred, and Julius Nyerere and his great people of the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar opened arms to the exiled ANC and PAC the vilification and constructive dismissal of all right-thinking non-Thembu in exile so as to open the field for a preponderance of Eastern Cape players in the liberation struggle as “South Africa’s super-heroes”. The British plan of divide and rule for a future South Africa is exemplified by the vitriol Eastern-Caper after Eastern-Caper poured on a James “Jobe” John Hadebeta whose only crime seems to have been his courage as early as the 1960s’ exile to say “no” to the Thembufication of the ANC!
66. Reader with a grasp of the Zulu might have picked up on the link just how Colonial Britain had among all the Zulu people, particularly singled out the Hlubi ethnicity for cultural destruction. There was clearly no way, then, that a broad liberation movement headquarters that Oliver Tambo and other leaders from both the ANC and PAC (e.g. Potlako Leballo) were slowly moving to a de facto London, to leave in Africa mere shadows of those HQs, could take along with them a member like James Jobe Hadebe [https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://www.disa.ukzn.ac.za/webpages/DC/rep19681201.026.021.000/rep19681201.026.021.000.pdf] who not only apparently frowned upon the Thembufication of exile, but was also a prominent member of an ethnic group that Britain had apparently made a clear-cut Proclamation to have it culturally destroyed!
67. Indeed!
Umkhulu Nkulunkulu kodwa awunganga Bhungane!
UNkulunkulu uziqu zintathu, kodwa uBhungane uziqu zingamakhulukhulu!
Mthimkhulu! Mashiya amahle, amade anjenge nyamazane!
Mafuz' afulele njengelifu lemvula!
S'goloza esimehlo abomvu esibheka umuntu kubengathi siyamujamela!
Ndlubu ezamila ebubini bamadoda! Ndlubu ezamila emthondweni (kwasothondose)!
....Nina bosiba olude olungakhothami ndlwaneni kodwa kwezinde luyakhothama!
Nina omagawula imithi emincane emikhulu ivele iziwele! Mahlubi amahle!
MaNgelengele amahle! Nina maHlubi anzipho zimnyama ngokuqhwayana!
68. So, to you, Mashwabade owashwabadela inkomo kanye nezimpondo zayo! the South African chapter of the powerful intelligentsia will not disseminate the correct history of Africa to our children at school and university for one reason only: London’s political compradors! Bayasithengisa eMangisini, oNkabishonile laba kepha sizobathola kungensuku zatshwala; yingakho sekwagcwala ukucwasana okungaka kuMzantsi ongayindawo ngentuthuko yokupha abantu bonke balelizwe isidima sabo! Yingakho noLindiwe Sisulu eqhubeka ngalesosibindi okhokho bakhe abasiphiwa ngamaNgisi ukudlala ngathi oPhiri ukuvikela uhlanga lwabo lwabaThembu bakaMandela yize benza inkohlakalo embuthweni i-SANDF imihla namalanga kodwa bengashushiswa ngoba beyizihlobo zikaMandela.
69. Political compradors, but like I said above, I welcome all input on this post and others which are my footsteps, indeed, Africa’s own footsteps of self-discovery. That I am a descendant of King Matanje Phiri who must have ruled present-day KwaZulu-Natal a thousand years ago or earlier is confirmed by my father in a very strange way around 1998.
70. I was busy being acquired for a brotherhood-in-law by my sister Soneni Phiri who has since turned 37. His name is Knocky Fakude, to date a 41-year-old police officer in the environs of Mayflower and Amsterdam in Mpumalanga where my roots are glued to this day. Being a man living and working in far-away Pretoria, I did not know much about Mr Fakude except one glance of a light-skinned shyster who nonetheless had not been shy enough to let my sister’s chastity be more so because she was still attending high school even so with the burden single parenthood by a man I am still to meet one of these good days. This was only a few years if not mere months after my 1994 return from Tanzania to start a four-year’s walk through the gauntlet of a Mandela government rejecting me right (the SANDF) and left (the SABC controlled by Lindiwe Sisulu’s brother, Zwelakhe Sisulu)for employment clearly for my exile outspokenness against this Thembu tribe’s racism at the expense of other blacks in exile camps(the President of the Republic of South Africa will know from videos sent to his office that the reason why the Azanian People’s Liberation Army of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azanian had ordered me out of South Africa back in 1983 is that in an anger that I would rather call self-defence, I had earned APLA’s ire for leaving a mark on the topmost frontal body of Khutsala Primary School Principal Mr Petros Mhlanga who was trying to molest one schoolgirl too many (Selina Sigudla) in order to have sex with them whereupon I confronted my fellow teacher and principal Petros Mhlanga upon receiving complaints from the Grade 7 teenager.)
71. I do not want to write here how I addressed this issue of my school-going sister when I heard she was hob-nobbing with an adult (once again) while she was supposed to be educating herself. But the bottom-line seems like Miss Soneni Phiri gave Mr Knocky Fakudze the ultimatum: “My eldest brother Goodman is not merely getting apoplectic behind the trigger of that ballistic launcher he is, IT STRIKES ME AS IF THE VERITABLE ARTILLERY BATTERY ALREADY IN ACTION! And Mister, if you after so many years do not marry me and officially take me out of school as your wedded wife and Mrs Fakudze, this Phiri maiden’s heart has no more leg room for a coward and let’s say quits!”
72. So, this one evening while Blogger was still basking in the glory of eldest male surviving child of both Bright and Belinda (also known as Thokozile), by way of informing me Mr Fakude is now officially her son-in-law, Belinda starts bragging about shoes my brother-in-law had bought my father. She puts the shoes in front of my father to wear and starts the praisenames in the process:
73. “These shoes are really beautiful, my husband!” she said to my father. “These shoes are the real...
Mayisandzaba enkhosini!
Mfene lendvuna Sinonombela!
Nkhabanhle, nkhaba leyashona!
Msutfu Mswati!
74. So I got the message Mr Fakudze must have started paying Lobola or something here! Yet my father who knew the fact that to this day still I do not know for sure lost it because he thought my mother was belittling the precious shoes his son in law had presented to him!
75. “LaMavimbela!” just like the startlingly big sound coming from a small stereo, bellowed a small body shrunken by 85-years on a diet of little or no meat, dawn-to-dusk hard labour, gallons of Richelieu Brandy and Lexingtons to thatch an entire holiday resort.
76. “You have the audacity today to call beautiful shoes of mine derogatory names like ‘Mntolo’? What the hell is ‘Mntolo’, Woman?”
77. Blogger had to jump in there to say, Old man, “Pig” doesn’t always mean “you are pig”, it may just as well mean “watch out, driver, there’s a pig in front of you!”
78. My father finally understood this, but not before falsely reporting me to my younger brother Robert that I had threatened to assault him in defence of my mother, a feat that I was not going to achieve if his left hand had not been amputated 50 years before by an Ermelo mine with British owners who never bothered to compensate him.
79. It is then, after the dust had settled that I cajoled him: “Father, I read somewhere all Africans were bequeathed praisenames be they Congolese, Egyptian, South African or Malawian as you are. Please tell me what is the praisename/ isithakazelo/sereto/isiduko/sinanatelo of us the Phiris?”
80. The rest is history; and when Brenda Sullivan crossed my path some seven years later, I knew exactly where I stood on the African continent in terms of paternal ancestry; and I am cocksure that in KwaZulu-Natal and Swaziland is where any scientist can find the most genetic link to my paternal ancestry, with a smattering in Malawi as well as Zambia where my Mfecane-era 2nd Great grandfather, Pikamalaza Phiri, has a town named after him eastwards.
81. In short, the Matanje-Phiri subjects were not impressed with the rise of the “upstart” Shaka Zulu. As to whether the Matanje people, like their sister-AmaThonga people the AbaThembu, now went over because of the fear of Shaka to become surrogates of the British troops who at that stage were marauding the subcontinent for both Colony slaves and mineral resources is still a matter of study for enthusiastic young South African scholars who want to delve deeper into African history: the archives, albeit written by obviously biased European settlers, are freely available for studying.
82. The other thing that would deeply impress me about such research is to know sources that refer to Phiri praise-names as, among others, “Maseko Zanani Phumisa Mgwagwa”. Readers of my blog are welcome to contribute more towards my understanding of my own roots. Mine is now to relate about the Phiris that I am certain are Phiris and their extended families. I am leaving record...it will be a growing document just as long as I live... so that when I am dead my progeny should worry less about their ancestry and concentrate more on making the world a better place for all human beings, a feat, I declare, only very few people without a firm ancestral self-understanding, can achieve!
83. The Phiris I should like to mention now are
84. My father’s first-born child 1945-born Mrs Mary-Ann Tiezghe Gondwe (born Phiri). She lives at Liwala, a stone’s throw from the Army Base. Contact: University Training Hospital, P.O. BOX RW1X , Lusaka, Zambia. The first thing I will do once Lindiwe Sisulu gets off my back and allows me to use my salary for my livelihood instead of fighting her vexatious charges of victimization, is to fly to Zambia and see my sickly sister whom I miss greatly. Even with the demise of my brother-in-law, Mr Bright Gondwe, I had remained financially by South Africa’s Thembu tribalists in government positions to go and commiserate with my nephews and nieces, let alone to get to know them. In 1987, Mr Bright Gondwe, a very handsome and charming man indeed, flew into Dar es-Salaam to come and see me when word had reached them that I was in the environs as a South African freedom fighter with my life also in danger for reporting to authorities about the Thembu tribalism that was going on in exile camps and residences of particularly Morogoro and Dar es-Salaam where Eastern-Caper Stanley Mabizela was having the power of life and death over exiles of Pixley Seme’s ANC. With him was my sister Tiezghe, which is, I am told, a Tumbuka name meaning “Let us try”, words that my Malawian father and mother used towards her suspiciously difficult conception.
85. And then follows my long-deceased (1987) elder brother Jackson Phiri who died either from a love triangle or plain poisoning by a hitherto unknown jealous co-boyfriend to a woman called Nonceba in Hendrina, South Africa. There is also the theory, also the strongest where I view it the most unlikely, that Nonceba, who had come from the Eastern Cape, was livid to the point of suicide, when Jackson attempted to leave her a for a Mntambo girl, and a Zulu for that matter and so she decided to take her beloved boyfriend along in the poison that was ingested through food. Both of them succumbed, three days apart, from a weed-killing poison called amylase.I do not as yet know where exactly Jackson’s grave is because my South African siblings who were there when he was buried, seem to call it demonic worship when you bother about the condition of a grave, shame; but the same siblings together with their spouses do not see any “demonic worship” when, without prior informing me their elder brother, they will go ahead and receive Lobola prices which are as per Swazi tradition communicated with spirits of the deceased senior members of the family! If I should die in my struggle against Lindiwe Sisulu, I do not want these characters to have anything to do with my burial save just to attend and watch how my local wife LaTsabedze, my only sensible South African sister Soneni and other extended family relatives like Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa and others of the blood of the great Dlamini, assisted by the great and heroic South African National Defence Force that Sisulu is trying so hard to destroy in the name of her Thembu tribalism. Jackson Phiri (21 Oct 1958-????1987)is survived by his common-law wife Macy/Meisie Mntambo (Feb 1963-). Her cell number is no more hers but my last address for her was South Africa’s Vosloorus, Mailula ngaseTankini, next to Thabang Primary School, Sengoe Street in Gauteng, South Africa. Also survived by my nephew Mr Bright Muzi(kayise) Phiri who, I am told, has already given me two illegitimate grandnephews in Mayflower after rejecting serious schooling and making choices what kind of job he will take or else sit at home: when will the madness stop? Then there is his sister: my niece Miss Maureen Zamanyasa Phiri (Sep 1985-) who, some five years ago, defied two black men and a white one who, together, loved her to pieces and wanted to see her succeed in life and she stubbornly left the school my younger brother Robert Phiri had put her in Ermelo and decided to join her over-receptive mother in Gauteng. The white principal of her school, Robert Phiri and I pleaded in vain with her to stick with school and she made us all choose one of the five fingers! The three survivors of my deceased brother are an escalating disaster waiting to pound mother earth with a greater thud than the sudden demise of their father. But I am always warned never to write anybody off; they say even where there is a collapse of tectonic scale a wonder of the world like the Ngorongoro Crater might emerge. I do not intend to die until I see that dream come true.
86. Robert Phiri is the brother who comes after me: highly secretive about his family life, while I’m absolutely open about mine, we are two opposites. He lives in Piet Retief, South Africa. He is given bad credit as the one who would devour every property the deceased members of the family would leave of value for their children; but I think the worst culprit(s) is the one who, being an own sister, born by the Phiri, educated by the Phiri, married off as a former Miss Phiri and then suddenly declares the Phiris as her enemies, sowing division back at home and even going to the extent of “adopting a new maiden name”. Do readers of my blog also have extraordinary family members like I have Ms Sphiwe Grace Phiri (12 Nov 1967---c.2000): a sister of mine, trade-unionist staunch ANC member. She was brutally tortured with bullets pumped one by one on her legs and a fatal one on one of her vital organs. This shocking departure took place one evening in her house her own house in Piet Retief around 2000 and while to date no one has been arrested and prosecuted for the dastardly deed my suspicions congregate aound another love triangle where a jealous co-girlfriend hired a gun against her. Given time and resources, I can single-handedly crack this murder mystery.
87. Grace is survived by Mpumi whom I’m told is somewhere in Pretoria studying teaching. I do not know who is the father of this kid and I froth in the mouth when I think that my sister went to the grave without telling me the identity of the rumoured “Zimbabwean”. But then, again, the child could also be a Mangonde by surname, fathered by a child of one of my father’s fellow Malawian countrymen, Saturday-10-November-1956-born Mr Joseph Dumisane Mangonde who subsequently succumbed to a smash of his car by a lorry in Amsterdam while driving to his workplace, a paper-mill of sorts in Piet Retief. Certainly God knows the truth.
88. What is important to know is that, when the Mpumalanga-based Phiri family collapsed morally, financially and biologically I wasn’t there even once because, first I was in exile 1983-1994 and when Jackson Phiri dies it is Mr Robert Phiri and his wife Swazi who might be able to explain what happened to his estate, I have no clue. As from 1994 to 1998 I was in Gauteng, hardly able to even afford a taxi fare to Mpumalanga because of a full-scale well-orchestrated Thembu boycott of me as a citizen employable by the Mandela State. And when I finally integrated through the heroic effort of a Xhosa general, one Brigadier General Fihla, I hardly spent three years and the evil Thembu Orchestra started playing in earnest once again victimising me for exposing a corrupt member of their tribe, Bobelo-Zini. So I never had even time to go to Mpumalanga for the burial of my mother when she died, but after my mother died I never asked Mrs Monica Masango (my own sister who now declares she is a half-sister) or any one for that matter what estate has my mother left or who is responsible for it. When grace Phiri was buried, I still was stuck in Pretoria with one intense fight or another with my military-Thembu enemies and their white henchmen like Eddie Drost. But I never went back to ask the Phiri’s own siblings and self-made half-siblings and their spouses Mr Sipho Masango, Mrs Swazi Phiri (born Mabaso) and Ms Macy Mntambo what property did Grace Phiri leave behind because I also dislike inquiring about dead people’s money for fear that when I die my own children will be similarly stripped naked by similar practice for what you do to others will come back to haunt you.
89. Finally, I was pleaded with by Soneni to please come down to Piet Retief because Magistrate Kuschke was refusing to allocate a Phiri representative without a quorum, and I was the missing link to make the quorum. Accordingly I drove down to Piet Retief whereupon Ms Soneni Phiri was appointed as the one to manage the estate of my deceased sister Grace. I do not want to make this thing long with unnecessary detail. I do know for a fact that the estate of Grace Phiri had absolutely nothing on it because she left no visible records where her policies were. She didn’t have any money in the bank that was immediately traceable everything was a shambles except the Piet Retief House in which she was shot and killed. Of that house only R30000 (the equivalent of only about $15000 has accrued and that is still in the vaults of the Estate agent who by law cannot release it until an appropriate bank account is opened for it. Of the personal effects of Grace Phiri her surviving siblings in Mpumalanga and elsewhere, made some lotto and divided among themselves (bar Goodman who never has the appetite) but none of them said I will sell this TV set or that expensive bed my sister left to raise enough money that a bank account be opened in which to deposit the R30000! As a result, as you read this, the R30000 is still in the vaults of Ermelo.
90. In that meantime I am still too penniless to take the initiative of helping the family open the account, I am busy spending every cent I have in the legal fight I have with Lindiwe Sisulu and one evening while I was consulting with my instructing attorney, an anonymous relative or friend inspired by either my niece, Mpumi who has been truculent in bad-mouthing me with every relative she meets that Blogger has “devoured” her mother’s estate sends the following sms with a simcard that was for all intent and purposes discarded thereafter, yet I know exactly how to trace the user when I really get serious about it now or in the future:
Lemali oyenza yakho labantwana bayahlupheka,
they can't feather their studies,bacedile eskolweni
yekela amanyala goodman,nika labantwana okungokwabo plz.
From <+27719853379> at 13:54 26/06/2009
91. I am not going to translate trash; but this demand from Goodman “for the money of Mpumi with a query-Zimbabwean query-Malawian father nobody knows what he looks like” has been going on unabated and one of these days I will sue a close family member down to their pants for it as even my younger brother, Robert, has been hoodwinked into this defamation. For indeed, last month he communicates with me knowing just how broke I am and say: “Mpumi is somewhere there in Pretoria with you attending teaching college and her end-year results will not be released unless if you can pay R17000 for her!”
92. Grace is also survived by Messrs Yethu and Mazwenkosi whose fatherhood(s) I am pretty clear about. My late sister was the first, and I hope the last, person I knew who could, without financial constraint or anybody putting a gun on her head, elect single-parenthood three times, and each time with a different father, none of whom ever being introduced to her eldest brother or any other senior serious-minded family member or even talked about! If the Guinness Book of Records doesn’t want to take this, I resign from literature, I am committing suicide by a swallowed plumage tearing down my oesophagus and flapping my diaphragm!
93. Mr Watson Kalindeka Phiri is my father’s younger brother resident in Chiduli, Chilumba District of Malawi’s Karonga.
94. He is by birth followed by Kingwell Moses Phiri, better known as Moses Mpili, a naturalized Tanzanian whose son, Thomas Phiri resident in the environs of Dar es-Salaam’ Internation Airport, turned 49 today with the following KiSwahili message to his first cousin
95. Asante sana bwana Goodman. nashukuru sana kwa kunikumbuka na vilevile kukumbuka siku yangu ya kuzaliwa. mungu akubariki sana. wasalimie wote bye.From <+2557xxxxxxxxx> at 07:59 AM 2010/12/06
96. I will not translate “blest”!
97. How I consanguineously relate to ALL the Kumwenda family of Malawi:
98. My paternal grandmother is Ms Esther Kumwenda (Mrs Esther Phiri) with a sister co-wife both deceased but with a surviving sibling Mr Ngwira Kumwenda of Bwengu Mzimba in Malawi.
How I consanguineously relate to ALL the Dlamini family:
99. From Somhlolo, one of my maternal 3rd great grandfather (great-great-great-grandfather) I was bequeathed four great 2nd grannies by Inkhosikati Latfwala, in order of seniority named
a. Prince Khoza Dlamini,
b. Prince Mdayi Dlamini,
c. Prince Khenkana Dlamini
d. and the last-born Princess Lositfupha Dlamini.
100. Of the first- and the last-/fourth- “borns”, I so far know nothing.
101. Of the remaining two I know something about, it is Great-great-great Uncle Prince Mdayi who,
102. by Princess LaMavimbela begot me
a. Second Cousin Twice Removed Prince Khenkana of Kromdraai next to the defunct asbestos Msauli Mine in Badplaas Mpumalanga.
b. The Badplass-bound elderly and purblind prince is married to Princess Girlie Dlamini (born Fakudze) from which union Blogger was blessed with Second-born
i. Third-Cousin-Once-Removed Prince Vusi Joseph Nkosi who in turn by birth gave Blogger his own 1989-born
1. Blogger’s Fourth Cousin, Prince Thokozani Dlamini by LaHlophe. (Contact: P.O. BOX 485 EKULINDENI 1301, South Africa )
103. If Prince Vusi Joseph Nkosi was the second-born of Prince Khenkana Dlamini (Blogger’s Second Cousin Twice Removed), the latter’s first born is the loveliest of ladies,
a. Blogger’s Third-Cousin-Once-Removed 11/02/1968-born Princess Leah Thembi Dlamini. And from her, Blogger gets his own Fourth Cousins
i. Mr Njabulo Given (23/09/1989-born),
ii. Miss Hlengiwe Precious 26/01/1994-born,
iii. Mr BONGINKOSI Wiseman 13/02/1997-born and
iv. Mr Masomalenhle Howard 26/01/2005-born.
104. As a note: the resemblance between Blogger’s Second-Cousin-Twice-Removed Prince Khenkana Dlamini of Kromdraai and that of Blogger’s Grandmother Princess Eleanor Mafede Mavimbela (born Dlamini) is amazing. Blogger’s Cousin Khenkana relates the story how an elderly woman who had come all the way from Lesotho to live with the princely family around Mpumalanga/Swaziland gave one glance at Blogger’s then neonate Cousin Khenkana and marvelled loudly: “I knew both Children of the Great King Sobhuza: Princes Khenkana and Mdayi; but this Mdayi’s grandchild may have looks of his own grandfather Mdayi indeed, yet the resemblance with his great uncle are too is too spitting to avoid naming him ‘Khenkana’.”
105. As a wonderment on Blogger’s part: if Khenkana junior indeed looked like Khenkana senior who happens to be the paternal grandfather of the Blogger’s maternal Grandmother Mafede in whom Blogger discovered similarity of looks with Khenkana junior, isn’t it fair to put it in Siswati that bantfwabenkhosi abaphici?.... Further, if not more poignant and cosmopolitan, is it a mere coincidence that Khenkana Senior’s grandchild (Mafede), would without any prior consultation with her second cousin (Khenkana jr.), take a liking to, and marry a gentleman from the Mavimbela clan, the same clan that mothered Khenkana jr.? Do we as humans really have a pre-programmed preference to certain genes in our search for biological partnerships? This question may be a bit of a stray cat from the subject(s) handled on this post, but its importance cannot be overstated because the union of that Mafede Dlamini Princess and William Mavimbela is the one that caused a blogging monster to come into the world in the shape and psyche I am in!
106. Enough about Blogger’s Second Cousin Twice Removed Khenkana jr., but it does look like Blogger’s First Cousin Thrice Removed Prince Lomanyaza Dlamini (grandchild to Sobhuza-I by LaTfwala and father to Prince Khenkana Jr), other than LaMavimbela, he had another, if more prolific, wife: Princess LaNhlabatsi who really did Blogger proud by giving birth to the following of Blogger’s second cousins-twice-removed:
a. The Princess, Mrs Chwalile Zulu who lived in since-defunct Mbombela Township, Nelspruit, South Africa. She in turn, in order, gave birth to
i. Blogger’s Third Cousin Once Removed: Mrs Lizzie Mdlalose who lived in Wesselton, Ermelo, South Africa;
ii. Blogger’s Third Cousin Once Removed Mr Sibhabhi “Bhala-Mabhalane” Zulu of Lekazi/Kanyamazane, Nelspruit; and lastly
iii. Blogger’s Third Cousin Once Removed Mrs Lydia Mpande of Barberton. Yet the oldest of them all was
iv. Blogger’s Third Cousin Once Removed Mrs Nana Shabangu who gave to the world
1. Blogger’s Fourth Cousins: Miss Zandile Shabangu and
2. Miss Bongi Sharon Shabangu.
107. The twosome live a stone’s throw from the once-prestigious Thembeka High School in Kanyamazane where Blogger in 1979 and 1980, shook the institution by introducing sane student activism (to say nothing of his precociously uncanny command of his third-language English which earned him from the school his first Unabridged English Dictionary) vis-a-vis the “rabblerousing mannerisms imported from Gauteng to say “Let us capsize Principal Ngozo’s car for our dissatisfaction or let us rape the girls who will be marching with us on any dissatisfaction campaign”. Note, Blogger was already four years a member of the then banned Pan Africanist Congress of Azania and its military wing, the Azanian People’s Liberation Army which taught respect for women, particularly the African woman who those days was by whites called “a girl” irrespective of her age, to say nothing about the age of the caller!
108. Those were the times when Blogger was having an extra struggle, walking house-to-house, seeking accommodation with complete strangers whereas, unbeknown to him, Lekazi has always been teeming with his blood relatives. Whoever said knowledge is power missed the point. The truth is: “ignorance is death”!
109. (Maybe the question now might be: Why were you struggling for accommodation, Phiri, when your elder brother Jackson was already snugly cocooned in the boarding school of then one of the top-three-ranked high schools for blacks in South Africa?
110. The answer is, my father refused to pay boarding fees for me for the reason that I had gone to attend Thembeka High against his wishes: his expressed wish had been that I stay with a more inferior high school closer home and play guardian to my younger brother Robert who was only starting his academia at high school.
111. I asked my old man Mr Bright Phiri one question, upon his failure to answer it I went ahead against his wishes to Thembeka and finally got myself a bursary from (http://www.studytrust.org.za/) Studietrust Bursary Organization who finally paid all my boarding and tuition because I was such a hardworking kid:
112. “Papa, outside the love you have for your first-born son, what logic are you using to command an 18-year-old play big brother to a 16-year-old when a 21-year-old is well available and better able per your similar command to do the self-same job?”
113. My high-school defiance was based on my primary-school-day discovery that my father was spoiling his Jackson because when I was reporting to him about his son raping fellow pupils at primary in 1976, both my father and his brat made a joke out of my reports that I was “too afraid of girls”. Guess how my oversexed elder brother died at the tender age of 29? GOTCHA!!!! YOU HAVE NOT READ THE PRECEDING PAGES OF THIS POST! But I am the one to apologize for your loss of focus: I have truly strayed from the proposed theme!
114. The last thing I want to say about the house of Bloggers 3rd Great Uncle (Prince Mdayi kaSomhlolo kuLaTfwala) is, in comparison to his younger brother, Blogger’s 2nd Great Grandfather (Prince Khenkana kaSomhlolo kuLaTfwala , I know there will be, among many fifth cousins of Blogger’s children, guys like
a. Collectively Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri’s Fifth Cousin Miss Siphesihle Nozuko Masilela
b. Collectively Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri’s Fifth Cousin Mr Siyabonga Innocentia Hlophe and many others.
115. My humble idea is: Let us just keep the records till the hundredth cousin not only for us to remain united and in turn unite and strengthen the African Continent and the World we live in, let us in a gaming spirit also teach the United States of America’s Bushes and Obamas who currently work on the eight cousin that we Africans can do better. After all, we are the world’s first civilization eyeing also to be the last one before the human species attains deity!
116. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate to ALL the Khathwane//“Khathwane Silombo Ntshilane! Wena waseMdvukumeni//Wena longaludli lubisi lwenkhomo udla lweNdlovu!”
117. Mrs Gertrude May Tsabedze (born Khathwane) has her roots in Lomahasha Swaziland or in Mozambique. The wife of deceased Mr Hebron Tsabedze. The last time I saw this beautiful woman was in August 2010 in Malkerns, Swaziland, where she was visiting her own younger sister born Dinah Sindzile Khathwane (the resemblance between the former and own firstborn son, Mr Nkunzikayibaleki Tsabedze is downright amazing!
118. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate to ALL the Nhlabatsi Family in Swaziland: Mrs Martha Dlamini (born Nhlabatsi) is the one who brought to the world my children’s grandmother, the late Ms Phindile Dlamini, co-parenting with Sibusiso Tsabedze. Other issue from kids’ Great-grandmother Martha LaNhlabatsi (of Elulakeni next to KaLavumisa in Swaziland) are
a. Thoko Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Particularly Tamara Phiri’s collective Ms Zamthini Dlamini,
b. Thoko Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Particularly Tamara Phiri’s collective Mrs Zikuphi Ndlangamandla of eSandleni Swaziland,
c. Thoko Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Particularly Tamara Phiri’s collective Mrs Nomcebo Simelane of eLwandle kaManzini Swaziland,
d. Thoko Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Particularly Tamara Phiri’s collective Mrs Khabonina Mahlalela at kaManzini, Swaziland,
e. Thoko Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Particularly Tamara Phiri’s collective Ms Thabisile Dlaminiar
119. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, and particularly Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate to ALL the Makafu of Mninga Village, Iringa, United Republic of Tanzania :
a. Mr Mathias Makafu is their maternal grandfather, being the father of Blogger’s first wife, Leonilde Makafu. Unfortunately 16 years down the line, despite all efforts to report to Mandela’s government, Mbeki’s government and now, His Excellency Zuma’s government (no restitution whatsoever from State after Mandelasque Thembu tribalist-cum-Eastern-Cape-regionalist the late Benson Mandindi, and living colleagues of his whose identities are now in the office of President Zuma) in vengeance for my expose of tribalism in the camps of exile, tore my wife’s repatriation papers to South Africa and ordered her leave Dar es-Salaam for Iringa her home town, where she gave birth to my first-born, Thoko Phiri. This matter has been to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission led by (one Desmond Mpilo Tutu) another character also from the famous/infamous Eastern Cape where those who have been practising Thembu tribalism come from. Tutu’s report, which was conducted very reluctantly, I must report as Daniel Mohato Mofokeng then APLA commander who was ordering the banishment of my Tanzanian wife doing the bidding of then APLA Commander-in-Chief then Eastern-Cape-Clarence Mlamli Makwetu, did register Makafu’s tribal exile to Tanzania as an abuse of human rights. But both Eastern-Capers Nelson Mandela and Mbeki have been refusing to reveal to me why a wrong done by their government officials (Daniel Mohato Mofokeng is now a major general in the South African National Defence Force and a Benson Mandindi, a senior general in South Africa’s National Defence Force which a few years back was departmentally run by notorious Lindiwe Sisulu even though I am reliably informed that a heroic Xhosa soldier where Xhosa are not the same as tribalistic Thembu of Mandela subsequently executed Mandindi in the streets of Pretoria for an unrelated matter of squabble). This painful chapter to my children’s relatives is one of those recently sent to Presidents Zuma and Kikwete of Tanzania, together with his Majesty King Mswati III of Swaziland. It is therefore going to be interesting to see whether the watchdog over our venerable constitution (the office of President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma) is worth the leash it is on...remember Zuma was elected through a popular revolt while the Thembu grouping was baying for him to be thrown behind bars for both an alleged rape on Khwezi Khuzwayo and the anti-African insinuations that he is a womanizer for having more than one wife and the alleged co-corruption with convicted fraudster Schabir Schaik....
Daniel Mohato Mofokeng (a.k.a. Romero): the guy fidgeting around and poking papers |
120. With the revolt against the Thembu-cum-ethnic-British woman Lindiwe Nonceba Sisulu who is allegedly (http://www.timeslive.co.za/Politics/article797568.ece/Sisulu-should-be-removed--Union)now threatening to singlehandedly change the constitution of the Republic of South Africa in order to continue unchallenged (by soldiers’ unions) in her pro-British and pro-Thembu tribalism that is killing morale and discipline in her Department of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs, the stage is now set for South Africans to see whether the private and innocent life of President Zuma’s life has in fact successfully been turned into a weapon against him by both the neo-colonial British and the Mandela-Sisulu-Thembufication grouping. Is South Africa’s own popular dog wagging its tail, or is the tail glossed and gilded for remote control from London wagging the dog?
121. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, and particularly Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate to ALL the Msekwa: (15/05/1953) SeMsekwa is the wife to Mathias Makafu (02/07/1951)
122. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously related to SOME OF the Mbhamali from Swaziland’s query Luve/Ludzeludze family in Swaziland (The wife to Mr Nkunzikayibaleki Tsabedze of KaMkhweli, Siphofaneni is my children’s maternal great-aunt)
123. In these regards, I am also busy trying to piece together the relationship my children have with the families: Ndzalo, Mabuza and Mtsetfwa (all of Swaziland) per their relationship with the house of Hebron Tsabedze, one of my wive’s paternal grandfather. Methinks the three families gave daughters-in-law to the Tsabedze family, what with the feminine prefixes “La-” (e.g. LaNdzalo) each time those surnames are mentioned.
124. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate to SOME OF THE Mathonsi Family of Swaziland and South Africa. These are some of my children’s first cousins once removed, they are also children Mrs Jenny Mathonsi born Tsabedze who lives in Sihhoye/Mhlume/Tjaneni, Swaziland with her husband. Their children are: Ms Thandeka Mathonsi resident in Nancefield, RSA, Mr Nkosingiphile Mathonsi of Tsakane RSA, Ms Busisiwe Mathonsi in Mbabane, Swaziland; Sebenele Mathonsi at Sihhoye, Swaziland; Mr Mfanufikili Mathonsi at query KaManzini, Swaziland; Mr Thokozane Mathonsi who gave my children their second cousin, Ms Nothando Mathonsi
125. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate to SOME OF THE Shongwe at KuMpaka, Swaziland: Ms Gcebile Shongwe, my children’s maternal second cousin once removed. My wife popularly refers as “Auntie K” or “Auntie Khufelo” to Gcebile’s mother as, a form of Swazification of English terms because, in fact “Auntie K” is a first cousin once removed to my wife. Mrs Khufelo Shongwe (born Tsabedze) who has unfortunately long lost her husband, Mr Shongwe, resides in (Ku)Mpaka, Swaziland. And I can record that if I ever had a Nemesis in trying to ask the respectable Tsabedze extended family to give me the hand of their daughter in marriage earlier this year, “Auntie K” was such a one. First I had to try to impress her with all the Tsabedze praisenames (sinanatelo) I knew, to little or no avail. There had to come down three unstoppable angels straight from heaven to finally move an otherwise immovable “Auntie K”: my father-in-law Jabulane Tsabedze of Big Bend Swaziland together with his eldest brother Nkunzikayibaleki both Swazi citizens and first cousins of “Auntie K’s” as well as South African adoptive grandmother to my wife, Ms Lydia Ntandose (La-) Magagula of Mzinti! So, my advice to young unmarried men with some ambitions: never try a traditional marriage! At least not with the Swazis! But once you succeed in it, you have built your family a foundation for eternity itself! If you do not believe me, ask Zulu King, His Majesty Goodwill Zwelithini Zulu who has married one of my Swazi-speaking maternal fourth cousins: Queen Mantfombi!
126. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate as second cousins to SOME OF THE January Family in Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania (Through common ancestor Jacob Phiri of Chiduli, Chilumba, Malawi). The second cousins are Miss Susan January born 20/11/1995, Miss Monalisa January born 10/08/1999, Mr Rodney January born 20/11/2005, and, if the youngest is Miss Mailess January, there is yet another kid born as recently as 2010 or a bit earlier.
127. Their mother is Blogger’s paternal first cousin Agnes Phiri whose parents, paternal uncle and aunt Moses and Esther, respectively, protected Blogger in Tanzanian exile as Eastern-Cape-born ANC Chief Representative Stanley Mabizela had ordered the capture and killing of Blogger for revealing to his PAC/APLA organization about the killings and persecutions in the camps of Dakawa and Mazimbu against non-Thembu and non-Eastern cape comrades, particularly the gruesome murder of Zulu-speaking Giovanni underwent under the torture in Mazimbu of Eastern-Cape born “Comrade Stalin” (a sibling to Xhosa-speaking SANDF’s Sergeant N.S.P. Martin) and fellow-tribesmen.
128. The Tanzanian government arrested the murderers and for a lengthy period of the 1980s detained them at the Morogoro Prison where Blogger confirmed their presence; but the last report was that then Eastern-Cape-born ANC then President Oliver Reginald Tambo was fighting tooth and nail to have the murderers ("Stalin","Bheki" etc) , apparently branding the deceased from KwaZulu-Natal’s Chesterville as “an enemy agent” in the process whereas all of us who had lived in Dakawa with the deceased knew he was fighting to have equal educational opportunities with Eastern-Cape born comrades who were weekly whisked to Europe for studies “to have all of them carrying doctorates so that a South Africa free from apartheid will be ruled by them in the place of Boers”
129. Of course, part of the result of that exile programme we see today in Dr Lindiwe Sisulu’s shambles over the Department of Defence and Veterans Affairs! And also, of course, her victimization of whistleblowers like Phiri over the continued Thembu-tribalization of her Department in spite of the national constitution which now she declares should be changed ostensibly to ban the watch-dog unions like the South African National Defence Union (SANDU) and the South African Special Force’s Union (SASFU), Sisulu’s euphemism for “change the constitution to suit her continued Thembufication of the Department of Defence and Veterans Affairs where Afrikaners, Zulus, and all other indigenous soldiers are maltreated by Sisulu in order to protect criminal officers of ethnic-British and ex-Eastern-Cape Thembu stock terrorizing women and men of the Department with assaults and demands for illicit sex prior to promotion as was always the case in the exile camps of Mazimbu and Dakawa, a human-right-abuse so glibly ignored by Desmond Mpilo Tutu’s Commission!
130. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate to some of their Madau Family ins Malkerns, Swaziland, through their great-great uncle Madau who married their consanguineous great-great aunt Dinah Sindzile Madau born Khathwane: Caroline Madau (offspring Minenhle Mavimbela born 12/01/2002), Christopher Madau (offspring Silethokuhle Madau born 20/02/02 by Ms Thabisile Ntshalintshali), and Mr Gcina Madau (offspring Dlalisile Mabuza/Madau by Ms Ncamisile Mabuza) are all first cousins twice removed to Blogger’s children.
131. How Blogger’s Children Tamara Phiri, Maziri Phiri and Thoko Phiri consanguineously relate to ALL the Tsabedze Sihlase! Nakati! Mnyambo loluhlata netinyawo takhe! Mcukama! Mtseko! Ndundundu ndlebe kazizwa kanti ziyezwa! eManyamo ayakhetsana kwakhetsana boGama naNakati!
Thank you very much, Mr Goodman! I profusely thank you for remembering me to the extent of even remembering my birthday. May God abundantly bless you. Give my regards to all. Bye! From <+2557xxxxxxxxx> at 07:59 AM 2010/12/06
(a text message from Mr Thomas Mpili, a.k.a. Thomas Phiri or Thomas Moses, my paternal cousin and once-exile-protector from Mandelasque-Thembu-tribalism in the camps and residences of freedom fighters in Tanzania. He turned 49 yesterday)
Lemali [R30000] oyenza yakho labantwana bayahlupheka,they can't feather their studies,bacedile eskolweni yekela amanyala goodman,nika labantwana okungokwabo plz./// :From <+27719853379> at 13:54 26/06/2009
The money [R30000] that you have suddenly come to view as your own whereas [your dead sister Grace’s] children are suffering, they can't feather [stet] their studies, they’re done with formal school stop your-corruption, Goodman, give-back to-the-children what-is-theirs please./// :From <+27719853379> at 13:54 26/06/2009
a text message from an anonymous member of the extended family of Phiri of Mayflower, Mpumalanga, South Africa)
a. Maureen Mpumi Phiri, a fatherless niece of mine who has been for years blaming Blogger for squandering the wealth of her deceased mother, Grace Phiri
b. Robert Phiri, my younger brother, who has since 1994 when I returned from exile not found it within himself to sit down with me and ask what he doesn’t understand about his elder brother.
c. Mrs Robert Phiri/Mrs Swazi Phiri (born Mabaso in Swaziland, Nhlangano) who has always had the guts to tell extended family ‘Goodman is a thief stealing even a child, Yethu, from Mpumalanga to do his own bidding in Gauteng.
d. Mrs Monica Masango (born Phiri, but after marriage to Mr Masango who earned my father ire for making her elope from home prior marriage in 1973/4 renamed herself “born Ngwenya” even though my father was already married with my mother when she was born and my father brought her up as a neonate till she got married to Mr Sipho Masango.
e. Meisie Mntambo/Macy Mntambo, a largely confused woman whose husband, my elder brother, died in a love triangle only to have all his property reportedly squandered by my younger brother Robert Phiri and subsequently his wife, Swazi. In many respects, Macy/Meisie seems to count me in among those who made her suffer even though I was in Tanzania for seven more years after her husband died.
f. My last-born sister Mrs Xolisiwe Hlatjwayo (Born Xolisiwe Rose Phiri) who learns all the disrespect from the more senior members of the extended family. Xolisiwe was in all respects supported by me and me alone when she was born around 1982, a support that only ceased when I left for exile the following year.)
This is really an awesome article. Thank you for sharing this.It is worth reading for everyone.
Pretoria and Umhlanga
Worth reading in deed.... I’m a phiri by birth but never seen my father since I was born till to date, I’m kindly requesting assistance in finding him... i was told by my mother Winile Gladys Dlamini that he went away while she was 2 months pregnant with me in Swaziland 1989. He never came back to look for me and it worries me a lot all the time. My father’s name is Usuf Carthbet Phiri from Malawi, Mangochi
I am Sindiso Asurance phiri but I’m using a surname of Msibi and I stay in mpumalanga at Schoemansdal stand 204 under nkomazi region
My postal address: 2672 shongwe mission 1331
Contact number : 076 5871 021 / 072 479 3559
I will be glad to get response in my request
Thank you ��
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